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Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Application

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is excited to announce the formation of a Sheriff’s Citizens Academy. This 8 week program is open to any Franklin County resident who wants to learn more about the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and our functions. This interactive, behind the scenes program will be taught by well trained members of the Sheriff’s Office, who will share their unique perspectives and expertise. We have also partnered with the Franklin County Emergency Management Agency, Take Action Today and the Southern IL Drug Task Force to provide additional instruction.

The concept of the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy involves opening the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to the public and showing citizen’s exactly what we do and how we do it. As a result, we believe that participants in the program will be better equipped to assess safety issues and share with others their knowledge of law enforcement practices, policies, and procedures. We see the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy as an effective way of bringing law enforcement and the community together in an informal, educational forum where all involved parties can benefit. Application to the program is open to any Franklin County resident, 25 years or older. Applications can submitted online, picked up at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office or they can be requested / returned by email to [email protected]. The application requires the completion of a background investigation and image release forms. Space in the program is extremely limited and participants will be chosen based on the receipt of their approved application.

By completing this online application, you will be officially applying for entry into the program.

All classes will begin at 6:00 pm and will be held at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

Please list a personal reference (NOT a relative):

Notice to Applicants

  • Applicants must be 25 years of age
  • Applicants must be Franklin County residents
  • Applicants must have NO prior felony convictions
  • Applicants must have NO misdemeanor arrests within the past 36 months prior to the academy start date.
  • Incomplete applications will NOT be processed

Background Check Authorization

This document constitutes a Consent, Release / Agreement of Indemnification and permission to conduct a background check entered on the date provided below and signed by the applicant.

As an applicant to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy, I hereby authorize the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a criminal background investigation.

I understand that all available police and criminal records will be checked by this office and will be used to determine my eligibility for the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.  All information obtained will remain confidential in accordance with the law.

Release Form

The undersigned, in consideration for the privilege of being a participant in the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy, and recognizing that such activity involves certain inherent risks and dangers, does hereby agree to assume the risks attendant to all activities associated with the participation in the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Program.

Photo / Image Release

I grant the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and County of Franklin the right to print, publish, broadcast and / or televise any and all photographic or video images of myself taken by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, or its designated agent, for use in commercial advertising, public service announcements, displays, publications and any other public relations efforts.  I further release the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and County of Franklin of any and all future claims and rights to these images.


I understand the importance of my commitment to attend all classes of the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.  I understand that the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to rescind my enrollment at any time during the course of the program.