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Sheriff of Franklin County, Kyle Bacon

It is the Mission of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to provide quality law enforcement, detention, court security and emergency dispatch services to the citizens and visitors of Franklin County.  We are dedicated to conducting ourselves in a manner respectful of the trust that has been placed upon us.  We are dedicated to this mission and to the people we serve to ensure that Franklin County is a safe place to live, work and visit.

Our Vision is to work for excellence through education, training and empowering our employees to provide the highest professional services to the citizens of Franklin County.


403 East Main Street | Benton, IL 62812

Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: (618) 438-4841
Fax: (618) 438-0306

Illinois Sheriff’s Association Scholarship Application

In 1979, the ISA established a scholarship program for college-bound students. Scholarships ranging from $500 to $1000 are awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding scholastic, extra-curricular and character qualifications. Each Illinois county awards at least one $500 scholarship each school year. The scholarship program is open to Illinois students attending an Illinois higher learning institution. College scholarship applications are available beginning in January each year and winners are announced in May.

Media Release / Instructions Concerning ISA Application

ISA College Scholarship Application

Franklin County Sheriff’s Office – Sheriff’s Citizens Academy

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is excited to announce the formation of a Sheriff’s Citizens Academy. This 8-week program is open to any Franklin County resident who wants to learn more about the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and our functions. This interactive, behind the scenes program will be taught by well-trained members of the Sheriff’s Office, who will share their unique perspectives and expertise. We have also partnered with the Franklin County Emergency Management Agency, Take Action Today and the Southern IL Drug Task Force to provide additional instruction.

The concept of the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy involves opening the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to the public and showing citizen’s exactly what we do and how we do it. As a result, we believe that participants in the program will be better equipped to assess safety issues and share with others their knowledge of law enforcement practices, policies, and procedures. We see the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy as an effective way of bringing law enforcement and the community together in an informal, educational forum where all involved parties can benefit. Application to the program is open to any Franklin County resident, 25 years or older. Applications can be submitted online, picked up at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office or they can be requested / returned by email to [email protected]. The application requires the completion of a background investigation and image release forms. Space in the program is extremely limited, and participants will be chosen based on the receipt of their approved application.

The schedule is as follows:
  • March 5th: History of the Office of Sheriff / Functions / Divisions
  • March 12th: Patrol / K9 Program
  • March 19th: Investigations
  • March 26th: Corrections / Jail Facility
  • April 2nd: Consolidated Dispatch Center / Emergency Management Agency
  • April 9th: Franklin County Coroner’s Office Tour
  • April 16th: Franklin County Courthouse Tour
  • April 23rd: Franklin County “Old” Jail Museum Tour / SCA Program Overview
All classes will begin at 6:00 pm and will be held at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.

Applications for the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy


Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Online Application 

Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Paper Application – PDF Fillable

Paper applications can be filled out, scanned and e-mailed to [email protected] or dropped off at:

Franklin County Sheriff’s Office
403 E. Main Street
Benton, Illinois 62812

Franklin County Sheriff’s Office – Mobile App

In an effort to utilize technology that is available and to keep the public better informed the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office has launched a new mobile app!

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is very excited to utilize the Franklin County Sheriff’s App to better communicate with the communities that we serve. The app provides an avenue for the Sheriff’s Office to increase transparency by utilizing technology for public awareness and information regarding public safety.

The app was paid for through funds from the jail’s commissary and did not come at a cost to Franklin County taxpayers. The Sheriff’s App is a free download on both iPhone and Android phones. Simply go to your App Store and download Franklin County Illinois Sheriff.

Franklin County Sheriff’s Office – School Resource Deputy Program

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is excited to announce the formation of a School Resource Officer Program. The goal of the program is to maintain a safe learning environment and build positive relationships with students, parents, educators, and school administrators. We believe that positive police presence in schools will greatly reduce violence, acts of physical aggression, and other safety related issues.

Numerous school facilities and municipal police departments throughout Franklin County have already established School Resource Officer Programs, however, not all Franklin County Schools have dedicated SRO’s. It is our desire and goal to not only work in cooperation with those established SRO Programs but to also expand SRO services to those rural schools not currently covered.

Establishing a School Resource Officer Division is an expensive endeavor, but it is our belief that the protection of our school age children is well worth the cost. In the coming months and years, we hope to grow the program to ensure that every Franklin County School has a full time SRO placed within each learning facility.

Deputy Sheriff Ron Howard was recently hired to serve as the first School Resource Deputy and he has been tasked with assisting in the establishment and growth of the program. Deputy Howard previously served as a West Frankfort Police Officer and recently retired after 29 years of service. Deputy Howard has extensive law enforcement training and was recently recognized by the Illinois Police Training and Standards Board as a Certified School Resource Officer. Deputy Howard will work to establish relationships with existing SRO Programs and serve as the SRO and Sheriff’s Office Liaison for rural schools not currently covered.

It is the desire of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to provide the best law enforcement services possible within our schools with the ultimate goal of assisting in providing a safe and secure learning environment for our children.

Schedule of Fees

The current list of fees for civil process services can be found in the downloadable PDF below.

Civil Process - Schedule of Fees

Media Releases

Click on the downloadable PDF document below to download the report of your choice.

Media Release - Labor Day Enforcement

Vehicle Accident Reports

Please click on the link below to gain online access to your motor vehicle accident report through LexusNexis.

Jail Facility Visitation Policy

Please contact the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office at 618-438-4841 for more information on inmate visitation.

Report A Crime – Suspicious Activity – Call the Tip Line

To access the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Tip Line please contact: 618-439-9561 All tips and reports are confidential.