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County History – Bibliography

i “U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts,” 31 Dec. 2013 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/franklincountyillinois

ii “American Fact Finder”

iii Michael L. Hebert, “Illinois 1818,” Illinois County Boundaries: 1790-Present, 31 Dec. 2013 http://maps.ilgw.org/il1818.htm

iv Herbert

v H. M. Aiken, Franklin County History: Centennial Edition (1918) 14-15.

vi Lee Sultzman, Illinois History, 17 Jul. 1997

vii H. Fred Hollaway, Supervisor, Benton Township, Franklin County, Illinois, A Report of the Historical Building[s] of Franklin County to the “Historical Society of Franklin County”. (Benton, IL: 1960) 2.

viii Aiken, 23.

ix Susie Ramsey and Flossie Miller, The Heritage of Franklin County Illinois (1964) 8.

x Aiken, 32.

xi Ramsey and Miller, 8.

xiiHolloway, 5.

xiiiRamsey and Miller, 8.

xivAiken, 26.

xvAiken, 131.

xviState of Illinois, Secretary of State, Illinois Blue Book 1975-1976 (Springfield, IL: Secretary of State, 1975-1976), 208.

xvii”The Mexican-American War,”” 31 Dec. 2013 http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ilfrankl/military/milmexrp.html.

xviiiAiken, 135.

xixHolloway, 16.

xxHolloway, 14.

xxiHolloway, 16.

xxiiTerry Overturf, et al., Franklin County Coal (Franklin County Gifted Cooperative, 1981).

xxiiiIllinois, Prairie Research Institute, Directory of Coal Mines in Illinois: Franklin County (Champaign, IL: Illinois State Geological Survey, 2013) 4.

xxivIllinois, Prairie Research Institute, 1-4.

xxvIllinois, Prairie Research Institute, 1-4.

xxviOverturf, et al., 7.

xxvii”Rend Lake,” 21 June 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rend_lake.

xxviii”History of Rend Lake,”” 28 Jan 2014. http://www.mvs.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/RendLake/RendLakeHistory.aspx.