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EM – Vision 2030 SWOT


Throughout the next several months, the agency’s leadership team will be developing a 5-year strategic plan that will focus on the how the organization will continue to grow and achieve a higher level of standards and performance. As a valued staff member, your input is valuable to us. While the development of goals and objectives, along with performance measures, are important, we need your help in developing this plan by first identifying areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This analysis will guide the plan into a blueprint for the next five years, through 2030. This analysis is intended to help us grow, so constructive criticism is important. All answers are anonymous. Strengths: What works well? Weaknesses: What does not work well? Opportunities: What opportunities exist where we can develop growth? What trainings would you like to see? What changes would you like to see in the future? Threats: What issues/threats do you see that will limit our ability to grow and accomplish the opportunities for improvement?
Strengths: What works well currently? What do you like about the agency?
Weaknesses (Constructive Criticism) What does not work well? What is a common fail point. What keeps you from being more involved with agency activities?
Opportunities: What opportunities exist where we can develop growth? What trainings would you like to see? What changes would you like to see in the future? How do we improve overall as an organization?
Threats: What issues/threats do you see that will limit our ability to grow and accomplish the opportunities for improvement?

Thank you for participating!